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365 napos árucsere
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A SFR Vision II White/Blue egy görkorcsolya gyerekek számára, ami beltéri korizáshoz és kültéri korizáshoz ajánlott.. Közepesen puha cipővel rendelkezik a kényelem és tartás egyensúlya érdekében.
- A fékek már fel vannak szerelve és készen állnak
Ne felejtsd el ellenőrizni a csavarokat az első használat előtt, és szükség esetén húzzd meg őket.
Megjegyzés: A fogantyú/hurok a cipők hátulján a korik cipeléséhez készült, nem szabad a korik felvétele közben segítségként használni.
Kompatibilis alkatrészek
A következő termékek kompatibilisek a(z) SFR Vision II Kétsoros Görkorcsolya Gyerekeknek White/Blue:

Állítható méretű cipő:
Kerék átmérő:
Cipő típusa:
Közepesen puha
Ügyességi szint:
Extra Funkciók:
Beépített hordozóhurok
Alap anyaga:
Fűzős, Velcro
Héj anyaga:
PU bőr
Magas oldalirányú támasz
Kerék szélessége:
Agy szélessége:
Csapágy precízió:
Recommended for:
Beltéri korcsolyázás, Kültéri korcsolyázás
vélemény (774)
"Great quality. Happy kids. Quite a search for a pair without a block heel...these are perfect. N" | |
Clare T. (Richmond) | 2024.09.29 |
"Great skates! My daughter loves them. She hasn’t taken them off since she got them for her birthday!" | |
Kirsty Murphy (Bude) | 2024.03.27 |
"My daughter loves them. Christmas present and it was great fun watching her and helping her stay upright... Thank-you" | |
John Bayliffe (Appleby in Westmorland) | 2023.01.01 |
"Really good quality look great daughter is happy" | |
Terry P. (London) | 2022.04.13 |
"Good skates and service thanks" | |
N. Chesters (Oswestry) | 2022.01.20 |
"Fab skates! Great ankle support. We went up 2.5 sizes, as my daughter has wide feet. 1.5 would have been enough but at least we have growing room and with thicker socks, they're perfect. Great price and absolutely perfect for her first pair of skates. Definitely recommend!" | |
Mrs J. C. (Manningtree) | 2022.01.16 |
"We got roller skates for our 8 year-old daughter and she absolutely loves them! They're very sturdy and beautiful to look at too. the sizing information was helpful and they fit perfectly. She wants to practice every day and that tells me that the skates are pretty comfortable. We received the package relatively quickly, on time for Christmas, thanks SKATEPRO!" | |
Michele Chivu (New York) | 2022.01.05 |
"Fab looking skates and my daughter says they are very comfortable. More discreet posting packaging at Christmas would definitely be a good idea." | |
Brian S. (Kilkenny) | 2022.01.04 |
"Late delivery 5 days lates Brakes fell off as soon as we went outside on our first outing" | |
Breda Gleesom (Maynooth) | 2021.05.17 |
Válasz SkatePro-tól: Hey Breda, thank you for leaving the review. My apologies for the late delivery! Also sorry for sending out the wrong product. It seems like you haven't been in touch with our customer service to get this fixed, yet. Please send us an email to so we can solve this for you as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you! / Pierre |
"Lovely skates very happy with purchase, I went up two sizes per comments from previous reviews and they fit well with a little room." | |
Thelma Armstrong (Maynooth) | 2021.05.06 |
"Small delay with delivery but my query was replied to very promptly. Well worth the wait. My 11 year old daughter absolutely loves them, would definately recommend!" | |
Fiona Chloe McLoughlin (Celbridge, Co. Kildare) | 2021.04.08 |
"Fantastic pair of boots. My daughter loves them (they were a birthday surprise). I would suggest going up a size. I was glad I took that advice from the website." | |
Wendy Scott-Lyons (Bangor) | 2021.04.07 |
"8 year old LOVES her new boot skates. Great quality and really cool. Super delivery too" | |
Claire O'Mara (Dublin 2) | 2021.03.30 |
"Very Happy with the product. Agree, buy a size bigger. A little bit heavy but good for balance. Quick delivery." | |
Renata J. (Farran) | 2021.03.16 |